Welcome to Ariana Radio & Television Network The Largest & Most Advanced Private Media Company in Afghanistan
Ariana Television Network (ATN) is a generalist television network and broadcasts in Dari, Pashto, Uzbeki and Turkmen. ATN is the only network in Afghanistan to broadcast in all four major Afghan languages as well as regional programming created with the objective and capacity of reaching geographically targeted audiences from regional studios throughout the country. Ariana Television uniquely capable of reaching all provinces of Afghanistan, including all population centers with a robust terrestrial, satellite, and cable.
Ariana News is Afghanistan’s only 24/7 news network and the nation’s leading independent news station. As one of Afghanistan’s most viewed News TV channels, Ariana News provides round the clock news coverage, including live news shows that air nightly at 6PM (Pashto News) and 8PM (Dari News).
Ariana Radio is a private radio network established in 2005. With more than 60 radio transmitters, Ariana Radio is the only radio channel providing coverage to all provinces of Afghanistan and is the most popular radio channel in Afghanistan, providing programming in Dari, Pashtu, and Uzbeki languages. The station operates 24 hours each day and recently added local programming from its studios in Herat, Balkh, Jawzjan, and Nangarhar provinces in Dari, Pashto, and Uzbeki languages.